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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Jean Wesley
Jamie Cercone, RN
purchased flowers for the family of Jean Wesley. Send Flowers
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Eli posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
I took care of Jean back in 2018-2019. She showed me a love for life I didn't know there was. I will never forget her.
Don Dove posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Many many fond memories of Jean. I saw her most of the time with my boss man (Henry). Lunch at Tim Hortons every week was always a treat. Jean was happiest when she was with Henry and vice versa for him. We went on several trips to DD Day in Niagara Falls and both the Wesley's were able to reconnect with old friends from earlier times. I recall that Jean had a clear notion on "fair play" - she would let the other consumers know if they were treating other consumers or staff unfairly. Jean could be rather feisty at times - but always for a just cause. I remember a ride to the statelands near Panama when a black bear ran across the road in front of the van. That added a bit of excitement to our ride. Jean loved to see staff tease each other and had a great sense of humor. My wife Martha used to bring Jean magazine pictures for her job at Senior Adult Day. Hab. Henry really liked to go visit Jean at Day Hab when they had music groups in to play.
Julie Haight -Turnage uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 8, 2023



Q: What was one of your favorite qualities of Jean?
A: One of my favorite qualities of Jean is her ability to persevere! Jean went through a lot of difficulties in life but she was still able to smile everyday! She touched so many people throughout her life and I am so grateful to have known her.
April (Lough) Rosier uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Are hearts our heavy but yours is free. Sincere condolences to Jean’s loved ones. Sending positive healing energy to my friend, Henry.
Jennifer Duncanson posted a condolence
Friday, May 5, 2023
I will always remember you! You always brightened my day when I walked into house! Jean you were fisty at times but would always put a smile on my face. I love you Jean!
Mackenzie Snyder posted a condolence
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Jean was truly the sweetest gift. She was so curious about my pregnancy; it was beautiful and comforting. I think about her often and I know my daughter would have loved her.
My thoughts are with Henry, who she loved dearly and protected always.
Deseree Johnson uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Q: What will you miss most about Jean?
A: I will miss her mischievous giggle and the way she tensed up her face and body when she was messing with me. “When is your birthday?”, she would say. It was the day after hers and she always asked me even though she knew the answer. We spent a lot of birthdays at The Olive Garden.
Deseree Johnson uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023




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Deborah GloverGlover uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023



My little cutie pie you were such a dear friend always by my side you made working a enjoyment and I was always happy to see you your loving smile brightened up my day . You had shown me what true friendship was all about. I remember going out to dinner with you and Henry at Olive Garden to two enjoyed it very much you got all fancied up to have dinner with your man
Oh how I will miss those FaceTimes with you
And you having free masks whenever you wanted them I Love and Deeply Miss You Jean!!
Britnie Barmore uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023




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Britnie Barmore uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, May 3, 2023




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Jamie Cercone, RN purchased flowers
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Dearest Jean, Enjoy all those heavenly concerts from the country legends while working on your loom!! With Love!!
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Jennifer Lee posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Q: What will you miss most about Jean?
A: I will miss Jean pointing to my belly telling me there is the baby with a big smile on her face.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Jean Wesley
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Hubert Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Jean Wesley uploaded a photo
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

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